
Tuesday, November 28, 2017

SA: Apple leads in Q3 smartphone sales revenue, but Samsung is catching up

SA: Apple leads in Q3 smartphone sales revenue, but Samsung is catching up

Strategy Analytics posted its smartphone sales report today for the July-September 2017 period. The analysts, quoted by Yonhap, said that Apple leads the smartphone market both in operating profit and sales revenue, but Samsung managed to close the gap in the past 12 months. Regarding operating profit, Apple snatched a staggering 69.9% of operating profit in the three-month period that included of and . Samsung came second only 21.8% of the operating profit. Sales data shows that Apple accounted for 32% of the revenue, with Samsung trailing with 23.1%. Analysts say the information should not be surprising since Cupertino enjoys highest profits in Q3 and Q4 of the year when new iPhones appear. In terms of shipment volume, Samsung is still a leader with 21.2%, followed by Apple with 11.4%. This is due to the diversification of the Samsung portfolio and because of the delay of the that missed on Q3 entirely.


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