
Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Android Oreo soak test for Moto Z and Z2 Force begins in Brazil

Android Oreo soak test for Moto Z and Z2 Force begins in Brazil

Some of the readers over at have been notified via email to participate in a survey to apply as candidates to test an early build of Android Oreo for the and . The readers that were notified were signed up for Motorolas testing program called the Motorola Feedback Network. Theres no word as to when the public release of Android Oreo will begin to hit Moto Zs and Moto Z2 Forces everywhere, as the selection process for testers is still underway. reports the possibility that the first beta build could come as early as within 48 hours. Speculation suggests that Motorola could launch the Android Oreo update from the third week of December onwards. The gist of the email: those invited were notified to take the survey on a computer, as some of the questions require entry of data from (presumably) various areas of the phones settings. ( )


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