
Monday, December 18, 2017

Taiwanese Investment Commission approves HTC/Google deal

Taiwanese Investment Commission approves HTC/Google deal

Back in September, HTC and Google worth $1.1 billion which gives Google access to HTCs intellectual properties and some of HTCs hardware team to help develop the next Pixel devices and further develop HTC's VR division with products like the Vive. This weekend, the Taiwanese Investment Commission (similar the USs anti-trust regulators) has approved the deal taking place between the Google search giant and the Taiwanese smartphone maker. The deals approval has caused the shares to spike up when the stock market opened on Monday morning, stocks could rise even more once the deal is completed in 2018. With HTCs new partnership with Google, the Taiwanese company could make a grand comeback in the States. Also, Googles partnership with HTC shows that the Mountain View-based company is invested in the nation of Taiwan. 2018 will definitely be an interesting year for both HTC and Google. |


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